CAN I/O & CAN SPS Waterproof PRO V2


The CAN I/O & CAN PLC Wa­ter­proof PRO V2 mod­ule is a com­pact con­troller for au­to­mo­tive ap­pli­ca­tions. Its high IP 68 pro­tec­tion rat­ing (per­ma­nently wa­ter­proof and dust-proof) in com­bi­na­tion with user pro­gram­ma­ble graph­i­cal soft­ware make it the ideal so­lu­tion for a wide range of au­to­mo­tive ap­pli­ca­tion.



  • CANopen I/O-module
  • CAN high speed, CAN low speed or RS485 / RS232 in­ter­face can be used to com­mu­ni­cate with other nodes which sup­ports easy in­te­gra­tion into ex­ist­ing sys­tems
  • Vref op­tion is avail­able
  • 2 dig­i­tal in­puts
  • 6 ana­log in­puts (pull-up & pull-down mode is soft­ware se­lec­table)
  • 8 ana­log in­puts or dig­i­tal / PWM out­puts
  • Reverse po­lar­ity protection and tran­sient protection
  • All out­puts have power high side dri­vers and over­load pro­tec­tion with dig­i­tal sta­tus sig­nal 
  • The powerful processor supports CANopen and SAE J1939 compliance

Application Examples

Application Examples
Com­bine har­vester
Trac­tors and farm­ing equip­ment
Snow­mo­biles and snow groomers
Hy­draulic con­trols in com­mer­cial ve­hi­cles
Work­ing and lift­ing plat­forms

Technical data

Product Name Value
Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture -40 °C to 85 °C
Op­er­at­ing volt­age 9 - 30 VDC
En­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion IP 68
Hous­ing di­men­sions 60 x 60 x 30 mm
E1 ap­proval num­ber 057992


Product Details

Product Name Features Housing Order No.
CAN I/O & CAN SPS Wa­ter­pro­of PRO V2 5 V Vref, Wa­ke-up, CAN-HS, RS232 G7 1.​128.​301.​1000


Product Name Order No.
Pro­gram­ming tool MRS De­vel­op­ers Stu­dio 1.​100.​100.​09
PCAN-USB In­ter­face 105358
Cable kit for pro­gram­ming 110490
Con­nec­tor pack­age for CAN I/O Wa­ter­proof PRO V2 110421
Crimp con­tacts 2.8 mm / 1.0 - 2.5 mm² 109947
Crimp con­tacts 1.5 mm / 1.3 - 2.0 mm² 109949
Dummy FCI filler plug 110268
Pro­tec­tive cap 111441
Cable FLRY 2 x 0.5 mm² white/green SL20 113085