
The M2600 CAN PLC mod­ule is a pow­er­ful con­troller for au­to­mo­tive ap­pli­ca­tions in a com­pact IP65 metal en­clo­sure. Its wide range of pos­si­ble input / out­put com­bi­na­tions and ver­sa­til­ity to com­ple­ment other con­trol mod­ules opens up a wide and uni­ver­sal range of ap­pli­ca­tions across many in­dus­tries.



  • CANopen I/O-module
  • CAN bus per ISO 11898
  • A total of 26 configurable inputs and outputs
  • Up to 12 digital outputs
  • Up to 6 digital inputs
  • Up to 8 analog inputs
  • 2 reference voltage pins
  • 9 - 30 V DC operating voltage
  • Graphical programming via MRS Developers Studio
  • Housing dimensions 160 x 120 x 50 mm

Application Examples

Application Examples
Road milling ma­chines
Forestry equip­ment
Util­ity ve­hi­cles and aux­il­iary equip­ment
Road ser­vice ve­hi­cles and snow groomers
Trac­tors and at­tach­ments
Com­bine har­vesters

Technical data

Product Name Value
Op­er­at­ing volt­age 9 - 30 VDC
Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture -40 °C to 85 °C
Con­nec­tor 42-pin Tyco MT2 / JPT
En­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion IP 65
Hous­ing di­men­sions 160 x 120 x 50 mm
E1 ap­proval num­ber 04 7279


Product Details

Model Features Order No.
M2600 CAN PLC 2 x CAN high speed, RS232 1.​260.​300.​00E
M2600 CAN PLC 3 x CAN high speed 1.​260.​303.​00E
M2600 CAN PLC 3 x CAN high speed with ter­mi­nat­ing re­sis­tor 1.​260.​343.​00E


Product Name Order No.
Starter kit M2600 CAN PLC 1.​100.​110.​09
Pro­gram­ming tool MRS De­vel­op­ers Stu­dio 1.​100.​100.​09
PCAN USB in­ter­face 105358
Cable kit for pro­gram­ming 108890
Con­nec­tor set for M2600 108888
Cable FLRY 2 x 0.5 mm² white/green SL20 113085