The PROP CAN valve con­troller with CAN bus reg­u­lates the flow rate of a pro­por­tional valve. It can be used in many hy­draulic ap­pli­ca­tions. CAN high speed or CAN low speed (al­ter­na­tively RS485) can be used to com­mu­ni­cate with other mod­ules and sup­ports easy in­te­gra­tion into ex­ist­ing sys­tems.

Motor Controller 5A CAN

The Motor Con­troller 5A CAN is a mi­cro­con­troller-based mod­ule for au­to­mo­tive and other ap­pli­ca­tions. User con­fig­u­ra­tion and pro­gram­ming fa­cil­i­tate im­ple­men­ta­tion of a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions. The very com­pact form fac­tor sup­ports ver­sa­tile use.

Motor Controller 10A CAN

The Motor Con­troller 10A CAN is a mi­cro­con­troller-based mod­ule for au­to­mo­tive and other ap­pli­ca­tions. User con­fig­u­ra­tion and pro­gram­ming fa­cil­i­tate im­ple­men­ta­tion of a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions and the very com­pact form fac­tor sup­ports ver­sa­tile use.

Motor Controller 10A PRO CAN

The Motor Con­troller 10A PRO CAN is a mi­cro­con­troller-based mod­ule for au­to­mo­tive and other ap­pli­ca­tions. User con­fig­u­ra­tion and pro­gram­ming fa­cil­i­tate im­ple­men­ta­tion of a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions and the very com­pact form fac­tor sup­ports ver­sa­tile use.


The eco­nom­i­cal, au­to­mo­tive-grade, 6 Fold PROP CAN am­pli­fier reg­u­lates the flow rate of pro­por­tional valves. The in­te­grated mi­cro­con­troller al­lows ad­just­ment of out­put cur­rent and dither fre­quency by the user.

Proportional Amplifier

The Pro­por­tional Am­pli­fier serves as flow rate reg­u­la­tor for pro­por­tional valves. It is used in many hy­draulic ap­pli­ca­tions.

Reference Voltage DC/DC Converter

The Ref­er­ence Volt­age DC/DC Con­verter is used to sup­ply sen­sors with a de­fined volt­age which is avail­able at the mod­ule's Vref out­put ter­mi­nal.

Reference Voltage DC/DC Converter 2A

The Ref­er­ence Volt­age DC/DC Con­verter 2A is used to sup­ply sen­sors with a de­fined volt­age which is avail­able at the mod­ule's VRef out­put ter­mi­nal.