Frequency Monitor

The Fre­quency Mon­i­tor is used to switch loads on/off when the input sig­nal fre­quency ex­ceeds/drops below a de­fined thresh­old fre­quency.


The fre­quency mon­i­tor mea­sures the input sig­nal fre­quency ap­plied to ter­mi­nal 15 and en­er­gizes/de-en­er­gizes the out­put when the sig­nal fre­quency ex­ceeds/drops below the de­fined thresh­old fre­quency. The thresh­old fre­quency can be se­lected from the 10 - 1.000 Hz fre­quency range. In ad­di­tion, com­bi­na­tions in­clud­ing cus­tom delay times are pos­si­ble.

Please refer to the chap­ter hous­ing and base plates for ad­di­tional hous­ing op­tions.

Application Examples

Application Examples
Au­to­matic start
RPM mea­sure­ment
Flow rate mon­i­tor­ing

Technical data

Product Name Value
Op­er­at­ing tem­per­ture -40 °C to 85 °C
Thresh­old fre­quency Per cus­tomer re­quest
Con­tin­u­ous cur­rent limit 10A/15 A (no/nc)
Switch­ing time ac­cu­racy +/- 1 ms
En­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion IP53
Qui­es­cent cur­rent 250 µA
EMC 2006/96/EG DIN 40839
e1 ap­proval num­ber 03 3218


Connection diagram

Product Details

Product Name Model Features Housing Order No.
Fre­quency mon­i­tor 12 V relay A xxx = fre­quency in Hz S1/G2/E 1.​026.​111.​xxxE
Fre­quency mon­i­tor 24 V relay A xxx = fre­quency in Hz S1/G2/E 1.​026.​211.​xxxE
Fre­quency mon­i­tor 12 V relay B xxx = fre­quency in Hz S2/G2/Y 1.​026.​112.​xxxE
Fre­quency mon­i­tor 24 V relay B xxx = fre­quency in Hz S2/G2/Y 1.​026.​212.​xxxE
Fre­quency mon­i­tor 19 - 30 V HSD A xxx = fre­quency in Hz S3/G2/E 1.​026.​311.​xxxE


Product Name Order No.
Pro­gram­ming tool MRS Re­al­izer I 1.​100.​000.​01
Flat pin socket 1.​017.​002.​00
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 6.3 mm 1.5-2.5 mm2 103064
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 6.3 mm 1 mm2 102355
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 2.8 mm 0.5-1.0 mm2 105292
Hous­ing bracket 1.​017.​080.​00