Micro PLC


The Micro PLC is a very small au­to­mo­tive con­troller. The mod­ule is user con­fig­urable / pro­gram­ma­ble and ide­ally suited for a wide range of au­to­mo­tive ap­pli­ca­tions.

Controller M4


The Con­troller M4 is a pow­er­ful and eco­nom­i­cal con­troller. In ad­di­tion to un­pro­grammed mod­ules pre-pro­grammed ver­sions are also avail­able: im­pulse re­lays, tog­gle re­lays, flasher mod­ules and, on re­quest, de­vices with spe­cial, cus­tomer-de­fined func­tionality. The stan­dard op­tions stated above are in­cluded by de­fault and just need to be ac­ti­vated and con­fig­ured. Of course all stan­dard func­tions can also be or­dered pre­set di­rectly from the fac­tory.

Controller M3


The Con­troller M3 is a pow­er­ful and eco­nom­i­cal con­troller. In ad­di­tion to un­pro­grammed mod­ules pre-pro­grammed ver­sions are also avail­able: im­pulse re­lays, tog­gle re­lays, flasher units and, on re­quest, de­vices with spe­cial, cus­tomer-de­fined func­tionality. The stan­dard op­tions stated above are in­cluded by de­fault and just need to be ac­ti­vated and con­fig­ured. Of course all stan­dard func­tions can also be or­dered pre­set di­rectly from the fac­tory.

Controller M1


The Con­troller M1 is a smaller, more pow­er­ful, and more eco­nom­i­cal con­troller.
In ad­di­tion to the com­pact timer relay other com­pact ver­sions are also avail­able: im­pulse re­lays, tog­gle re­lays, flasher units and, on re­quest, de­vices with cus­tomer-de­fined func­tionality. The stan­dard op­tions stated above are in­cluded by de­fault and just need to be ac­ti­vated and con­fig­ured. Of course all stan­dard func­tions can also be or­dered pre­set di­rectly from the fac­tory.