Controller M4


The Con­troller M4 is a pow­er­ful and eco­nom­i­cal con­troller. In ad­di­tion to un­pro­grammed mod­ules pre-pro­grammed ver­sions are also avail­able: im­pulse re­lays, tog­gle re­lays, flasher mod­ules and, on re­quest, de­vices with spe­cial, cus­tomer-de­fined func­tionality. The stan­dard op­tions stated above are in­cluded by de­fault and just need to be ac­ti­vated and con­fig­ured. Of course all stan­dard func­tions can also be or­dered pre­set di­rectly from the fac­tory.


Application Examples

Application Examples
Con­struc­tion equip­ment
Farm­ing equip­ment
Road ser­vice ve­hi­cles and snow groomers
Mu­nic­i­pal ve­hi­cles

Technical data

Product Name Value
Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture -40 °C up to 85 °C
Con­tin­u­ous cur­rent limit 10 / 15 A (no/nc)
En­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion IP53
E1 ap­proval num­ber 04 7283
Hous­ing di­men­sions 30 x 30 x 30 mm


Connection diagram

Product Details

Product Name Model Order No.
Con­troller M4 12 V Relay out­put 1.​039.​100.​00E
Con­troller M4 24 V Relay out­put 1.​039.​200.​00E
Con­troller M4 9 - 30 V 2 high side out­puts 1.​039.​300.​00E


Product Name Order No.
Pro­gram­ming tool MRS Re­al­izer I 1.​100.​000.​01
Flat pin socket 1.​017.​002.​00
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 6.3mm 1.5-2.5mm2 103064
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 6.3 mm 1mm2 102355
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 2.8mm 0.5-1.0mm2 105292