Universal Flasher LED

The Univer­sal Flasher LED is suit­able for LED lights and lights with in­can­des­cent lamps. This flasher unit sup­ports left/right turn sig­nals as well as haz­ard warn­ing lights dou­bling flasher fre­quency in case of LED/lamp fail­ure. Ter­mi­nal C is the turn sig­nal LED/lamp con­trol out­put. If lights fail dur­ing flasher mode the flash­ing fre­quency on ter­mi­nal C dou­bles (C2 func­tion).

Universal Flasher Unit

The elec­tronic Uni­ver­sal Flasher Unit is used for turn sig­nal and haz­ard warn­ing light ap­pli­ca­tions. The flasher unit can be used in var­i­ous ve­hi­cle types. Ver­sions with in­di­ca­tor LED (ad­di­tional func­tion in­di­ca­tion) or start/stop fea­ture are avail­able.

Flasher Unit

The Flasher Unit start/stop relay M3 is used for turn sig­nal and haz­ard warn­ing light ap­pli­ca­tions. The flasher can be used in var­i­ous ve­hi­cle types.