Impulse Relay Adjustable

The Im­pulse Relay Ad­justable is used when loads need to be switched on for a de­fined pe­riod of time and then switched off again with one input pulse. The out­put pulse length is user-ad­justable via po­ten­tiome­ter set­ting within five avail­able stan­dard time in­ter­vals. Cus­tom time in­ter­vals are avail­able on re­quest. Please spec­ify the de­sired stan­dard time in­ter­val in the pur­chase order.

Impulse Relay Compact

The Im­pulse Relay Com­pact is used when loads need to be switched on for a de­fined pe­riod of time and then switched off again with one input pulse. Please spec­ify the de­sired out­put pulse length in the pur­chase order.

Impulse Relay

The Im­pulse Relay M3 is used when loads need to be switched on for a de­fined pe­riod of time and then switched off again with one input sig­nal. Please spec­ify the de­sired out­put pulse length in the pur­chase order.