The eco­nom­i­cal, au­to­mo­tive-grade, 6 Fold PROP CAN am­pli­fier reg­u­lates the flow rate of pro­por­tional valves. The in­te­grated mi­cro­con­troller al­lows ad­just­ment of out­put cur­rent and dither fre­quency by the user.



  • 9 - 30 V DC
  • 1 digital output
  • 8 analog inputs
  • CAN high speed, SAEJ1939, CANopen compatible
  • 6 PWM outputs with 2.5 A (up to 3 outputs can be used simultaneously)
  • Current controller
  • Housing dimensions 95 x 65 x 35 mm

Application Examples

Application Examples
CANopen I/O-mod­ule
Farm­ing equip­ment
In­dus­trial equip­ment and plant au­toma­tion
Mu­nic­i­pal ve­hi­cles
Spe­cialty ve­hi­cles
Ma­chine en­gi­neer­ing
Con­struc­tion equip­ment


Product Details

Model Order No.
6-fold Prop CAN 1.​109.​300.​00E
6-fold Prop CAN - 2 x freq.-in­put 1.​109.​300.​01E


Product Name Order No.
Starter kit 6-fold Prop CAN 1.​100.​110.​15
Pro­gram­ming tool MRS De­vel­op­ers Stu­dio 1.​100.​100.​09
PCAN USB in­ter­face 105358
Cable set for pro­gram­ming 109291
Con­nec­tor pack­age for 6-fold Prop CAN 109383
Cable FLRY 2 x 0.5 mm² white/green SL20 113085