Universal Gateway 5x CAN


The MRS Uni­ver­sal Gate­way 5 x CAN man­ages data ex­change be­tween sep­a­rate CAN bus net­works. Its open and flex­i­ble de­sign is aimed at au­to­mo­tive ap­pli­ca­tions and al­lows quick adap­ta­tions to cus­tomer-spe­cific re­quire­ments even at small quan­ti­ties.



  • Basic version has 5 x CAN interfaces
  • Up to 5 x CAN interfaces with high speed or low speed component configuration are available as option
  • Graphical programming via MRS Developers Studio
  • Housing dimensions 95 x 65 x 35 mm

Application Examples

Application Examples
CANopen I/O-mod­ule
Data ex­change be­tween sep­a­rate CAN bus net­works
Un­cou­pling of CAN bus net­works with dif­fer­ent baud rates, dif­fer­ent func­tionalities, and dif­fer­ent hi­er­ar­chies


Product Details

Product Name Order No.
Uni­ver­sal Gate­way 5x CAN 1.​057.​300.​00E
Uni­ver­sal Gate­way 5x CAN FREQ-IN 1.​057.​300.​01E


Product Name Order No.
Starter Kit – Uni­ver­sal Gate­way 5x CAN 1.​100.​110.​45
Pro­gram­ming tool MRS De­vel­op­ers Stu­dio 1.​100.​100.​09
PCAN USB in­ter­face 105358
Cable set for pro­gram­ming 109260
Con­nec­tor pack­age for Uni­ver­sal Gate­way 5x CAN 109203
Cable FLRY 2 x 0.5 mm² white/green SL20 113085