Solid State Relay

The Solid State Re­lays can be used to switch lamps, re­sis­tive, and in­duc­tive loads. They switch with­out noise and are ab­solutely wear-free.



These de­vices are form fac­tor and pin com­pat­i­ble with stan­dard ISO Mini re­lays. Solid state re­lays are short-cir­cuit, over­load and over­heat­ing pro­tected. In par­tic­u­lar, they dis­con­nect faster than a fuse in case of short and have a low qui­es­cent cur­rent of about 50 µA. Please refer to the chap­ter hous­ing and base plates for ad­di­tional hous­ing op­tions.

Technical data

Product Name Value
Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture -40 °C to 85 °C
En­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion IP53
Qui­es­cent cur­rent 50 µA
E1 ap­proval num­ber for 1.​018.​300.​00 03 6819
E1 ap­proval num­ber for 1.​018.​301.​00 03 6819
E1 ap­proval num­ber for 1.​018.​302.​00 03 6819


Connection diagram

Product Details

Product Name Model Features Housing Order No.
Solid state relay S 9-30V 4A A Nor­mally open con­tact S1/G1/U 1.​018.​300.​00E
Solid state relay S 9-30V 15A A Nor­mally open con­tact S1/G1/U 1.​018.​301.​00E
Solid state relay S 9-30V 25A A Nor­mally open con­tact S1/G1/U 1.​018.​302.​00E
Solid state relay S 9-30V 15 A neg. A Nor­mally open con­tact S1/G1/U 1.​018.​304.​00E
Solid state relay 9-30V 5A C Half bridge S2/G2/E 1.​018.​360.​00E


Product Name Order No.
Flat pin socket 1.​017.​002.​00
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 6.3 mm 1.5-2.5 mm2 103064
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 6.3 mm 1 mm2 102355
FAS­TON ter­mi­nal 2.8 mm 0.5-1.0 mm2 105292
Hous­ing bracket 1.​017.​080.​00